Sleeping bags are very comfortable as they serve as portable and readymade beds. They are very useful during car camping, mountain climbing, and also when traveling. There are three types of sleeping bags, standard sleeping bags, kids' sleeping bags, and advanced sleeping bags.
Standard sleeping bags are the most common variety preferred by many people, as they are cheap and comfortable. Standard sleeping bags also come with pillows and they have fleece linings which provide warmth in moderate conditions, making the bags very luxurious.
Kids Storage Totes
Kids' sleeping bags are very attractive with cartoon characters and in bright colors that appeal to kids. They are smaller than standard sleeping bags, and this are the ideal size for kids.
Temperature ratings are one of the most essential things to be taken into consideration when purchasing sleeping bags. Sizes are also one of the important factors, as bags that are too big will not be of best use. Sleeping bags' temperature depends on pads which act like insulators preventing extreme cold or heat from the ground. Good quality sleeping bags provide great comfort, irrespective of the temperature outside.
Foam core pads provide better insulating effect than air core pads. The reason for this is that foam core pads are thicker, which leads to better insulation. During winter, closed cell foam pads are used for extra warmth, which is important to winter campers.
Sleeping bags should be stored in cool and dry places. Sleeping bags should be hung loosely or should be kept in huge storage sacks to protect them when they are not in use. The pads in sleeping bags should be kept unfolded or unrolled with the valves open in cool places.
Advanced sleeping bags are very expensive, as they are specially made for people going for mountaineering or hiking. These bags are expensive, though the price depends on the temperature control capacity of each individual bag. These bags are suitable even for extreme types of climate, though, so they are worth the money for people heading into more difficult terrains and harsh weather conditions.
Special Price!!! LunchSkins Reusable Sandwich and Snack Bags Set - 3 Pack - Red Apple, Navy Shark, Green Dots
Nov 09, 2011 09:51:12
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LunchSkins Reusable Sandwich and Snack Bags Set - 3 Pack - Red Apple, Navy Shark, Green Dots Feature
- Each set includes two sandwich bags and one snack bag that are hand sewn in the USA using a lightweight cotton fabric coated with a food-safe polyurethane liner.
- Sandwich bags are 6.5 x 6.5 inches, snack bags are 6.5 x 3.5 inches, and both have a fold over flap and snug hook & loop closure.
- All three bags are dishwasher-safe, certified food-safe, quick-drying, grease-proof, moisture-proof, lead-free, bpa-free, and phthalate-free.
- All three bags are long lasting with durable double-stitched seams and can be used to replace hundreds of single-use plastic baggies.
- Recommended for picnics, hiking, camping, cycling, commuting, fishing, boating, dog treats, road trips, and pack lunches.
LunchSkins Reusable Sandwich and Snack Bags Set - 3 Pack - Red Apple, Navy Shark, Green Dots Overview
Help reduce the 20 million single-use plastic sandwich bags that go into U.S. landfills daily by using the LunchSkins Reusable Sandwich and Snack Bags Set. Before first use, each bag should be turned inside-out, washed, and completely dried. The colors will fade and the fabric will soften with repeated use and multiple washings. You can personalize each LunchSkins bag by using a permanent marker on the nameplate. Lunchskins are versatile and can hold numerous items including crackers, cookies, dog treats, wallets, keys, ice, baby pacifiers, baby toiletries, cosmetics, crayons, legos, travel toothpaste, and toys.SAVE NOW on the special offers below!
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